Showing Your Home

To help us sell your home - show it off!

People usually decide within two minutes whether they like a home or not. The first impression is often the lasting impression. And they start forming their opinion before they even walk in the front door!

So it is smart to ask yourself if your home is as presentable as it can be. The best way to find out is to imagine you're a prospective buyer. You've probably been looking at other homes, so approach your present home the way you look at other houses.

If you are a seller - think like a buyer!

Keep it cool!
On a warm day, make sure your air conditioner is turned down enough to make the house pleasantly cool, so it's obvious that your home has air conditioning. The prospective buyer may be uncomfortably warm and walking into your nice cool house may be just the thing to tip the scales in your favor.

Atmosphere counts!
Aroma of cookies or bread being baked adds to a pleasant does a nice fire glowing in your fireplace on a chilly day.

First impressions are lasting impressions
An inviting exterior insures inspection of the interior. Keep your lawn trimmed and edged, the flower bed cultivated, the yard free and clear of refuse. Remove snow and ice from the walks and porch stoop in the winter time.

Decorate your home-a step toward a sale
Does any part of your house need painting? Faded walls and worn woodwork reduce buyer interest. It's sometimes difficult for a prospective buyer to perceive how a place can be made to look, show the redecorating first. A quicker sale at a higher price may result.

Sparkling clean
A bright, tidy home greatly enhances its appeal to buyers. Does your carpeting need to be cleaned or replaced? Clean walls, windows and bathrooms will brighten things up. Keep the bedrooms tidy. The attic, basement and garage need to be as neat and clean as possible. If you remove all unnecessary articles, the full value of your storage and utility space will be displayed. And it's the first impression that counts!

Fix that faucet
Dripping water discolors the enamel and calls attention to faulty plumbing. Needed little repairs detract from a home's value and the few hours you spend as a handyman can pay you large benefits.

A day with the carpenter
Loose door knobs, sticking drawers, and warped cabinet doors are noticed by prospects! Have them fixed. Are your screens in good shape? What about the windows? Do they work well or do they need attention?

Closet illusions
Clothes properly hung, shoes, hats and other articles neatly placed will make your closets appear adequate. Remove some clothing, if necessary, to make them look roomier.

Dear to your heart is the kitchen
Colorful curtains in harmony with the floor and countertops add appeal. Clear countertops help give a feeling of spaciousness. And your appliances should be in good working order!

Can you see the light?
Illumination is a welcome sign. Turn on all the lights from the front door to the back ... from top to bottom ... and the prospect will feel a glowing warmth otherwise hard to attain. And keep your draperies open during the day!

Three's a crowd
Avoid having too many people present during showings. The prospect will feel like an intruder and will hurry through the house. Remind the children to stay in the background and out of the way. We want the prospects' attention focused on your home, in an unhurried way.

Soft background music
Very soft ... make a home feel comfortable to a buyer. But turn off the television, it's too distracting. Let the buyer and agent talk free of disturbances.

Love me, love my dog
does not apply in home selling! Keep pets out of the way, under control, and preferably out of the house. And a little air freshener is sometimes advisable, particularly if the house has been closed up for some time. Also, please empty litter boxes.

Putting the cart before the horse
Trying to dispose of furniture to the prospect before they have purchased the house often loses a sale. Proper timing is important and these matters are best dealt with after an offer has been negotiated.

Be it ever so humble
Never apologize for the appearance of your home. After all, it has been lived in.

In the shadows
We've found that showings are more effective if the salesperson and prospect tour your property unaccompanied. The salesperson knows the buyer's requirements and can better emphasize those features. Please don't follow the agent around.

A word to the wise
Do not discuss price, terms, possession or other factors with the buyers. Refer them to us. We are better able to bring the negotiation to a favorable conclusion as intermediary third parties.

And last but not least
We ask that your home be shown to prospective customers only by appointment through our office. Refer any inquiries, including anyone who may call you or come to your door, to your sales associate. Your cooperation will be appreciated and will help effect a sale more quickly.


copyright © 2003 Byer's Seek Haven Realty


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