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Steel Pipe
and Irrigation Equipment For Sale!
Machine Design, Hydraulics, and Control
The future of mobile equipment hydraulic systems is electric
proportional actuators with joystick and/or computer controls. Advances in
electronic hydraulic valve driver cards have lowered their cost to a point
which approaches the mechanical handles that they replace. Not having
mechanical handles allows the hydraulic valve stack to be placed in the
optimum location on the machine which keep hoses (and leaks) away from the
cab area. In the past the only way to locate the valves away from the
cab was to design elaborate mechanisms to actuate the valves. Click here
to read about CaseCAD's philosophy on mobile equipment controls.
Solid Modeling
Parametric, feature based solid modeling is now a viable
proposition on PC workstations. Assemblies containing thousands of parts
are now possible and costs are reduced. Lower software cost, higher
productivity and lessened training requirements are key cost reduction
factors. Parametric solid models allow customers and non-technical users
to easily visualize the end product. Ever heard, "That's not what we
discussed!" Even though they looked at, and agreed to, what appeared to
be "OK" according to confusing 2D blueprints. You can now
give your user or customer a virtual tour of your initial prototype
because it is digital mock-up that can be changed in
moments, while they watch.
Products and Designs to the Internet
The future of product design is three dimensional, virtual and online.
Your future is getting your products into these designs. Designers need product
envelop information such as size, bolt hole locations, and detailed specifications to
create optimum designs with less prototypes, in less time.