What kind of hydraulic system do you need? What kind do you have?
If yours is ten years old it probably could be a lot simpler, yet more
Powerful? - Hydraulics are very capable at transmitting mechanical power throughout a range of operating speeds and torques, but not so efficient at performing logic functions. Nobody brags about how many hydraulic valves can fit into the width of a human hair...
Compact? - Use manifolds with cartridge valves where possible. Use electric proportional valves; locate them near the destination for hydraulic flow, not where the can be reached by the operators hands or elaborate actuator mechanisms.
Leak Free? - Stay away from pipe threads. Stick to O-ring and JIC type fittings. Use manifolds where possible- - nearly every hydraulic valve has a pressure and return port, so two hoses and the associated fittings are eliminated with every discrete valve that is added into a central manifold.
Fast? - Proportional valves allow your mechanism to move fast and efficiently from point "A" to point "B." The device can be gradually accelerated(ramped up) to a higher speed and then gradually decelerated(ramped down) when it nears it's destination. A conventional ON/OFF("Bang! Bang!") valve shocks your device to a nearly instant start and brings it to a screeching halt when switched off. The speed of an ON/OFF controlled device is limited by how much shock it can endure when the valve is suddenly switched on and off.
Intelligent? - Keep the logic out of the hydraulic circuit and use cost effective, durable, flexible computer controls. Wires are smaller than hoses and they don't leak...