Welcome to Phillip's Scripts.... Just click on the one you want and it shall be yours... All scripts come with Instructions
Magic (this is a script for all non Moon Mage casters it has 4 variables and comes with a Text file to learn how to use it)
Artarashai (this is a command script with 5 variables, %1 and %2 are both other People, %3 is a rune/rod/wand, %4 and %5 are both directions. To use this script you need to be in the middle of two rooms so if your in the middle you need to be able to go one north then one south or one east then one west. I think you get the picture) THis script works PM, Harness, MD, PP, Stealing, stalking, perception, Hiding, Appraisal
Girru (this is a command script with 3 variables %1 and %2 are both other people, %3 is a Rune/rod/wand) This script will work PP, PM, MD, Harness, Stealing, Stalking, Hiding, Apprasial,
Cambrinth (this is a command script with 1 variable %1 = your cambrinth item)
House (this is a script from the southside platform to my house in shard)
Dazia (this is a command script with no variables works PM, harness, and MD)
Girru (this is a command script with 1 variables, (%1 is the amount of mana to cast the spell)
Girru (this is a command script with 5 variables (%1 =cam item %2= location of item %3 amount of mana charged into item %4= spell casting %5= amount of mana being put into the spell)
Devices (this is a command script with 3 variables (%1= cam item %2= spell being casted %3= amount of mana being used in spell)
Zed (this is a command script with 5 variables (it has a text file that comes with it to tell you how to use it)
Shendaal (this is a wizard script with no variables works everything but stalking stealing)
Shendaal (this is a variable script %1 and %2 works stalking and stealing and hiding)
Savoth (this is a command script with 2 variables works hiding, apprisial, stalking, stealing, perception)
*Trading (this script is a command script with 1 variable, and to be used in junction with the TRAVEL command script)
*Travel (this script is a command script with 1 variable, and to be used in junction with the TRADING command script)
* This means in order for one script to work another character must be running the the other (partner) script
War Mage (this is a Excel Spreedsheet for War mage Requirements)
Moon Mage (this is an Excel Spreedsheet for Moon Mage Requirements)
Empaths (this is an Excel Spreedsheet for Emapths Requirements)