my name is tom wolf.
this site is named
a word with many meanings
allowing you to choose
or create your own.
In language, I consider this is to be a quantum
since interpretation is dependant on the reader's
sensory modality
or perceptual point-of-view.
is my virtual presence
on an increasingly complex internet.
Who am I?
I am an artist .
An artist
with enough science in my background, coloring my perceptions,
that I prefer to be thought of as a polymath, although I find both
labels preferrable to the more common
is a work of my own art --a synthesis of words and images dating back to around 1990 and continuing up to the present day. Most of the words, as well as many of the images were created in response to my uncertain integration (I should never, however, be confused as a 'joiner') with some of the 'alternative' art culture of Seattle, during what I considered a minor American rennaisance. Most of the birds are of my life since moving to Hood River, Oregon ( an action which was part flight, part retreat for better focus.)
is my attempt to show the complex innerconnectivity of seemingly disparate elements which comprise my body-of-work. I suppose it is an external model of my creative thought processes, and as such is far more representative of my true self than any single work could be. This is coincidental to its coherence as an extended exploration of the uninhabited wasteland between the Science I have been taught since childhood to revere above all other disciplines,and the transcendent spiritual effervescence of the creative process --which, aside from life's purely biological phenomenon, appears to me as the only truly anti-entropic natural process in the Universe. There Is No Eye is where my spirit and mind touch upon such matters of natural philosophy. It looks as if it shall be a work-in-progress for life.
offers the mind behind the browser an increasingly complex web of metaphorical observations of life--ranging from the complex, layered intensity of my own personal voyage Lupercal (a carnival of wolves), which a critic from Seattle's Stranger - called "'Howl'...with a modem," to the erotic rush of Miracles, or the simplicity of watercolors. Words are accompanied (often) by images developed from the ideas which moved me to write, sometimes the images developed separately--sometimes all correlations are arbitrary.
seeks, ultimately to integrate these various elements into a whole which is partially created by you, the participant/observer--by the virtue of your interaction as you punch a path through html codes through its digital core--choosing among the many forks which will open before you, either by reliance on self-interest and deliberation or merely the happy vagaries of chance as you submit your path to chaos. In this way I hope to include you in a creative process, your part being the integration of this work into a meaning your own perceptual system can support.
To this end
is built as non-linearly as my technical and artistic ability currently allow. Instead of the path of a single arrow, seek myriad straight-lines as geodesics connect important nodes in a more ambitious three-dimensional structure. Expect to get lost. Allow it.
Welcome aboard.