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House For Sale 

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Ellian Dianne

Kathleen Case


Mooney M20C

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A great cross country airplane with 140 Knot cruise...  Burns 9 gal./hr. and has 5 hr. endurance(incl. reserve.)  Great for building complex/retractable gear time.

3850 Total Time

1200 SMOH, 2 Fresh Cylinders

IFR Certified through May 2003

Fresh Annual, September 2002

Digital Apollo COM(monitors 2 channels) & Narco COM

Dual Narco NAVs w/ GS & Marker Beacons

King Mode C Transponder

Standard IFR Pattern Instruments

EGT, Intercomm, ...

Interior 7 and Exterior 7
Excellent Airframe

Newer Exhaust System, Spinner, Discs, Mags, ...


Email: Jon Mcdowell  


Email: Mark Case  or call (509) 773-6247