Various Topics In Literature

Literature As ArtThe Writing SeriesWorld Literature Women In Literature

Enhance your creative writing with tips from the masters as you uncover the secrets of the trade, using literary works from different genres. You will be enabled to recognize the elements of successful fiction, drama, and poetry, and apply these useful hints to your own work. For those in search of historic perspectives, gain insights to the ever-changing role of women as portrayed through literature. Explore the influence and philosophies of European writers and the imaginative vision of science-fiction authors

Literature As Art

Understanding Drama (3268)
Enhance your appreciation of plays as works of literature interpreted in dramatic performances.

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Understanding Poetry (3289)
Delve into the poet's world to identify the contents, forms, and elements used in writing poetry, and learn the style of reading poetry aloud.

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Understanding Short Fiction (3286)
Learn the principal elements of short fiction and how they combine to create art by examining excerpts from works by the greatest short story writers.

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The Writing Series

From the Classics--Great Themes (3310)
Examine excerpts from four stories--The Red Badge of Courage, "To Build a Fire," "Rip Van Winkle," and "The Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calaveras County"--and learn how to recognize literary themes.

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Short Story Writing (3313)
Trace the development of literature through the unique literary form of the short story and identify the origins of storytelling in both the oral and written forms.

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World Literature

The Ancient World--The Renaissance (3242)
Follow the history of European literature from the writings of the ancient Greeks to the literature of the Italian and Northern Renaissance.

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The Enlightenment--The Twentieth Century (3243)
Survey European literature from the Age of Reason to World War II.

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Science Fiction and Fantasy (3235)
Survey the fascinating evolution of the science-fiction genre and learn how European and American writers have speculated for centuries about the future using the latest advances in science and technology as the basis for conjecture.

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Women in Literature

Heroines, Sirens, Shrews (3254)
Trace the portrayal of women in literature through a survey of selected literary works from biblical times to the English Renaissance..

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Novelists, Playwrights, Poets (3263)
Trace the development of literature through the unique literary form of the short story and identify the origins of storytelling in both the oral and written forms.

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