Immoral Leaders

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            Jesus died a terrible death on the cross.  We can look back now and realize the wonderful salvation we can experience because of His sacrifice.  At the time, however, many must have wondered what happened to the promise that Jesus seemed to offer to those who loved Him.  They must have felt that it all was dying with Him on that cross.

            But God knew what was going on.  As a matter of fact the Bible says, in Acts 4:27 & 28, "Indeed Herod and Pontius Pilate met together … to conspire against [God's] holy servant Jesus….[but they only] did what [God's] power and will had decided beforehand should happen."  Herod an Pilate were the governmental leaders of the time.  They were immoral, yet God used them to fulfill his plan for our salvation.  As a matter of fact they only did what God's "power and will had decided beforehand should happen."

            Nothing can keep God from doing what He has already decided to do.  We can look at our governmental leaders today and wonder how our nation will survive under such immoral leadership.  We can take great comfort in the fact that God has already decided beforehand what should happen.  Nothing can keep God from doing as He pleases; not even immoral leaders.

            Pray for them.  Speak out against their immorality.  But always remember; God is still in control.