The Parkway Residents Association

     The Parkway Apartments is a three story 41 unit complex located about a mile down hill from the Microsoft campus at NE 40th and W. Lake Sammamish Parkway in Redmond, Washington.  The complex was built with a low interest loan from HUD and a percentage of the units had to be low income.
     In 1988 management was a resident manager hired by the property management company hired by the owners who had moved out of state.  By 1990 that was changing to management by a string of off site managers employed by the property management companies hired by the owners.   The Residents, having been used to a resident manager, had concerns over the change in quality of management and growing alarm over the lack of concern by the owners for maintenance of the complex. They formed a Resident Council whose focus was to learn to become self managed on site in cooperation with the property management companies and the owners.  This concept was looked upon with scorn by the property management companies and some dismay by the owners, who were preparing to sell the property.  The Resident Council became the Parkway Residents Association, a legal non-profit seeking help from larger non profits to purchase the property and work with them towards their goal of resident self management.
     By 1994 King County Housing Authority was beginning to look at purchasing the property.  When the owners arranged an inspection to assess the sale value that somehow skipped some very serious maintenance problems they arranged for a thorough independent assessment that trimmed the sale price slightly, and more importantly gave the housing authority a better understanding of the needs of the building, as well as a more realistic renovation plan.
    In 1997 the Parkway Residents Association attained federal recognition as a non-profit organization.  King County Housing Authority agreed to work with them towards becoming self managed and a strategic partnership was born.

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Richard Raymond Frye
206 E. Darland
Goldendale, WA 98620
(509) 773-8037