Hi, Well here goes our first attempt at a homepage
Guess we will start by telling a little about ourselves.
We are both old enough to know better
(what ever that means)--but don't.

We enjoy life and whatever it brings to us.

We live on a twenty acre farm and
have a busy & (for the most part) a happy life.

There will be more later.
Hi, Renee & Family, Bill & Family Too !!!!!!!

To all who visit our pages.We hope you enjoyed them.
Come visit again soon.

Please visit our links as we add them.

Renee's Place
Smoke Eaters a very special person and place!
Bill's Place. The person who helped us!!
A great place visit.
Lots of teddy bears and love here.
Cool site by a cooler person.
Elaine's Place
My daughter-in laws page.
My middle sons page.
Another good site, by a nice person.
Our Special Place.
Cool place to visit
Music brought to you by Jacks shack

Click on this image to see why I was put into jail and to put someone you love in jail also :-).

Bye for now

To get to our next page CLICK here.

Guestbook by Lpage

E-Mail Us Just Click On The Heart.