All currently open federal firefighting jobs:
Visit the
Office of Personnel Management, job listing by SERIES. Type "0462" (without the quotes—this is the federal code for forestry technician) into the Series box, choose the location in which you want to work, and click SUBMIT.

Also try series 0455 (range technician) and 0081 (firefighter—these are structural and structural/wildland jobs).

State agencies:

Not all of these agencies list jobs on the Internet.

Alaska Department of Natural Resources, Division of Forestry
Arizona State Land Department, Fire Management Division
California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection
Colorado State Forest Service
Idaho Department of Lands
Florida Forest Protection Bureau
Michigan Department of Natural Resources Wildland Fire Management Program
Mississippi Forestry Commission
Montana Department of Natural Resources & Conservation, Fire and Aviation Management
Nevada Division of Forestry
New Mexico Energy, Minerals, and Natural Resources Department: Forestry Division
North Dakota State Forest Service
Oregon Department of Forestry (Job Announcements)
Utah Division of Forestry, Fire & State Lands
Washington State Department of Natural Resources: Forestry

Other listings:
Wildland Firefighter Magazine classified ads

If you know of other job listings, mail to: