These Stories are Purely works of fiction and any resemblence between the characters in them and the real Marilyn Manson, Brian Hugh Warner, Twiggy Ramirez, Pogo, Ginger Fish, Daisy Berkowitz, John 5, Trent Reznor, and John Malm is only a concidence.

Stories Page One

For Love Of Two Gothic Angels

by Comasilver
    Allanana Dirgo was born September 9, 1938 in a desert tent in Libya's Fezzen Desert. Years later, she ran off to the U.S. where she became a famous rockstar, known as Alana Virgo. She was tall, dark, gorgeous, and played great psychedelic rock. She was a solo artist and could play guitar to bring the house down. Her voice had a wide range and was great too.
        But Alana had another remarkable talent. An ancient but seemingly ageless Beduin Sufi Dervish had taught her all of the Magical arts of the Arab Peoples so that she could raise spirits, talk with the dead, bring people their youth back, heal the sick and injured, and even, in some cases, bring the dead back to life. Understandably, she often used these magical skills as part of her music shows. Infact, she healed me of severe back trouble and emotional illnesses and, as a result, I became her lifelong friend.
        While in the States, she took on a roadie named Edgar Alan Warner. He had collar length straight brown hair, a mustache, a small beard, and wore a floppy denim hat with a feather in it. He was tall and very thin and knew all of Black Sabbath's songs by heart. He could even play them well on guitar. He wrote horror novels and stories for horror maga-      zines as a side job. He was originally from Canton, Ohio.
        Edgar and Allanana soon married and the lady rocker kept her maiden name for profess-  ional reasons. On September 19, 1972,  They had a son named Virgil Carlyle. She was pregnant with him while on a tour of Michigan and ended up having him in a major hospital in Ionia. But he was a very difficult birth and Allanana nearly died having him.
       All of this time, I had been with Allanana and Edgar was like an uncle to me. While she busied herself with her rock career, I looked after the house and cared for little "Virj".
       Then in 1980, Allanana, Edgar, and I took Virj and returned with him to Libya. Once there, Allanana staged a coup and overthrew Qadhafi, imprisoning him for the rest of his life in a stone tower out in the desert. She then established a socialist republic of her own.
       I stayed there for a while, but then returned to the United States, where I launched my own rock career with the help of Allanana's petro dollars and the magical and musical skills she had taught me. Soon after returning to the U.S., I used these resources, plus a lot of hard work, to gain a successful rock career. Because of my  magical skills, I took on the name of "Faustantine", a feminized version of "Faust" who was a 15th Century German sorcerer. I would be known by no other name, although some people would sometimes call me something like "Miss Tina" or just "Tina".
      I did mostly heavy metal and was pretty successful at it. I had my own back up band which was really good and was known also as Faustantine. Then I dropped out of the per-      forming circuit and moved to New Orleans, where at the height of the Marti Gras season, I     established Faust Enterprises of which I was the President. My company was soon an enormous and growing rock music conglomerate comprised of a CD factory, recording stud-  ios, music halls, music publishing houses, and offices. At about that time, I met Trent Reznor and merged my company with his Nothing Records. The tough little rockstar turned businessman then became my good friend as well as my business partner.
      By 1992, I was a fairly well-established businesswoman, then who should appear on my company's doorstep but my dear Virj who was now grown to manhood. And wow!, what a man too! Fully six foot three, slender as a whip, and with frizzy black hair that stood out all over on his head like he had been in the bathtub when the electric hairdryer had fallen in, twenty year old Virj looked like a sexually charged dream come true in his thigh-high boots and tight black leather fetish suit. I myself looked no older than twenty, thanks to his mo-        ther's magic, although I was already past thirty.
      His band members, The Zodiacs, were right faithfully beside him and they were an eyeful too. There was Leo, the keyboardist, who looked like a bald genie, there was Gemini, who looked like "Aladdin's" Princess Jasmin. There was Aries, the lead guitarist who looked like he belonged more in "Rage Against The Machine" with his battle fatigues and Cuban baret. Then there was dutiful Pisces, the drummer with his spikey blue hair and tight black vinyl jumpsuit which was covered all over with "devilish" designs.
       "I came and to prove it, I'm here." Exclaimed Virj, who now went by the stagename of Virgo Nidal.
       He opened his long arms wide to hug me, then he introduced me to his band members. All of them had made their stagenames by combining the name of their individual birthsign with the last name of a notorious international terrorist. Virj, of course, had taken his last name from Abu Nidal, The PLO Leader, while Leo, who is actually of Palestinian Arab descent, took his from Dr. George Habash, the founder of the Popular Front For The Libera-  tion Of Palestine. Likewise, Pisces took his last name from Germany's infamous Baader-Meinhoff Gang and Aries, true to his revolutionary image and his Cuban heritage, had taken his from Che Guevara. Geminii called himself Ramirez from Illich Sanchez Ramirez or Carlos The Jackal, not from Richard Ramirez, the satanic "Night Stalker" whom Manson's Twiggy had taken his last name from. By combining their names this way, The Zodiacs tried to achieve the same balance of positive and negative, the way that the Marilyn Manson group had.
         Of course, I signed them on right away. And they weren't to disappoint me. After all, thousands of petro dollars had been put into Nidal's training as a musician and petro dollars from his Revolutionary Leader mother would continue to finance his musical career just as they had mine. What's more, he has a five-octave voice and knows how to use it. Then too, his band members are superb with the instruments they play. Their forte is predominently industrial heavy metal rock, which is somewhat ironic since Arabs are not noted for either heavy industry or rock music. Nidal had known his bandmates for a long time. They were all his buddies from the years he had spent in a Benghazi cadet school, with the exceptions of Aries and Leo, whom he had met in a guerrilla training camp in Angola.
        My happiness was complete when Nidal took me on as his girlfriend as well as his promoter. Then The Zodiacs met the Marilyn Manson group in May 1995 and I held my breath, worrying that I would be caught in the middle of a serious front-end collision between two direct opposites. After all the groups were on opposite sides of the ideological spectrum- while Manson's belief system is based on Nietzche, The Bible(albeit, his interpretation of it), Dr. Suess' Cat In The Hat, and Willy Wonka, Nidal's is based on Khalil Gibran, The Koran, Daffy Duck, and The Three Stooges. But my worries were groudless. The two guys and their groups hit it off well right from the start - personally as well as artistically. The fact that Nidal and Manson are first cousins helped too. Manson's real name is Brian Hugh Warner and his father, Hugh Warner, is the brother of Nidal's father, Edgar Alan Warner.
        The family resemblence between Manson and Nidal is obvious. Both have the same pouty mouth, small chin, narrow face, prominent nose, and tall, boney build.  They even have the same blood type.
      Right away, Reznor signed them and their groups on the same billing together with The Zodiacs being the warm-up act. And when Nidal first met his new billing partner, he liked what he saw. With his fine, pale features and long black hair, Manson looked so beautiful and vulnerable to him, like a male Snow White.
      Manson, likewise, had been quite taken by Nidal right from the start. When Manson first saw Nidal going into Reznor's office, he thought he was exceedingly attractive.
      "Gasp! That's the most beautiful man I've ever seen. I wonder what it would be like to go down on him?" He thought to himself as he took in the Arab-American's glossy, curly, black hair, almond-shaped eyes, and slimly muscled physique which was well defined in his form- fitting glittery jade green jumpsuit.
     A few  moments later, both of them were in Reznor's Nothing Records office and were being introduced.  As Manson shook Nidal's slender brown hand, he felt himself falling in love with him.
     "Yes, it was love at first sight. And I still am very much in love with him. But that does-    n't mean I'm gay. A guy doesn't have to be gay to fall in love with Virgo because he exudes a magnetic sex appeal greater than the radiation of our sun." Manson explained later.
     As soon as the introductions were done, Manson invited his new billing partner and his group to come over to his house and sit and watch as he and his group did their four hour daily practice session.
     "Come and see us at our house. That'll help us get to know each other better, as perform-  ers and as people." Manson told Nidal with a wink.
      And so that late afternoon, Nidal and his four Zodiacs sat and listened as The Marilyn Manson group went through their practice session. Just as Manson was belting out his third tune, he noticed that Nidal was quietly singing along with him in his own inimitable voice.
       "Come on up here and join me, Virgo." Said Manson as he reached out and pulled Nidal up to where he was, "Don't be shy." And so they sang together and they sounded superb.
       "We'll have to talk with Trent and Miss Tina about us singing together onstage." Said Manson to Nidal right after their duet.
       "Yes, I would very much like to do that." Agreed Nidal beaming his heart-tugging smile.
       After the Manson group was through with their practice session, they and The Zodiacs sat together and unwound. Pogo, Manson's bald, goateed keyboardist, went and got everyone a can of coke. After opening his, Nidal quaffed half of it down and smiled.
       "Much better than Kitty Cola." He said wiping his mouth with his fingers.
       "What's that?" Asked Daisy Berkowitz who was Manson's lead guitarist at that time.
       "Never heard of that brand." Commented Manson between mouthfuls of his own cola.
       "You probably wouldn't have," laughed Nidal as he tossed his head of sooty curls, "It's a soft drink my people make in Libya. Beside of this, it tastes like sweetened, watered down molasses."
       "Shit, that's terrible!" Said Manson, frowning a bit in mock distaste.
       "Yes it is," giggled Nidal, "but thanks be to Allah, we now have your American Cola as well."
       They and the others asked Pogo to bring them some more colas and everyone continued talking about the merits of Coca Cola vs. Kitty Cola. As the discussion began to die down, Nidal, who was sitting right beside of Manson, squeezed up closer to him and rolled his hea-  vily mascaraed eyes at him. He was wearing his cat-like green contacts that evening which enhanced his look of charm and mystery. Manson smiled at him.
       "Will you and your guys come and watch us practice sometime? We only live down the street from you in a big green house." Invited Nidal.
       "We will gladly do that, Virj" Promised Manson as he laid a hand on the Arab's boney knee.
       That evening a partnership began that was to make music history. But as powerful an in- fluence as it was, music was not the only force that drew Manson and Nidal together.
      Their mutual interest in philosophical topics gave them common ground as well. Man-    son was also pleased to find out that Nidal was not the silly featherhead that he sometimes appeared to be and could talk quite intelligently with him. Of course, the two shock rockers enjoy many deep and lengthy discussions together. One evening, after both of their bands had finished with their practice sessions for the night, Nidal and Manson started talking about The Apoca- lypse, The Koran, The Kabbala, Aleister Crowley, Dr. Seuss, and Daffy Duck. By 2:30 am, they were both curled up together watching Daffy Duck cartoons on TV.
       They often have intimate moments together like that. Then too, Nidal helps Manson in countless ways. The tawny skinned rocker, who has magical curative powers like his mother, has healed Manson of his congenital heart condition, his borderline manic-depressive state, his addiction to narcotics, and all of his other health problems. Nidal liked to massage Man-   son's head and jaws, and eventually healed him of the constant pain that he felt in those areas.
       In private moments, they play guitar together and sing together. Of course, they also do this professionally. They paint each other's toenails and Nidal loves to brush Manson's long black hair. They read to each other from works by Aleister Crowley. Often they have oral and anal sex together. Nidal, who loves to cook, will frequently prepare a dish or sometimes e-     ven a complete meal and bring it to Manson and his guys. He will even clean house for them.
       And I am not jealous. After all, they are cousins.

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